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Laser Dentistry Treatment and Diagnosis

Transform your Smile with Cutting Edge Laser Dentistry Treatments


laser-dentistry-treatment-and-diagnosis-300x200Pain Reduction and Fast Healing

Whether you have a low pain threshold or are wary of invasive traditional dental procedures, it can be completely natural to want to put off going to the dentist – it’s not always a pleasant experience. However, with cutting edge technology like the Biolase Water Laser system at Finer Smiles Laser Dentistry, you can have all the common dental procedures carried out with a minimum amount of bleeding and swelling, as well as a fast recovery time.

As opposed to employing the use of scalpels, needles and drills, laser dentistry is minimally to non-invasive.

How it Works

Aiming at the area to be operated on, laser energy is transmitted through a water spray mist. The water particles are energised by the laser and hit the target tissue. When in contact with the gum tissue cells, the water content with the cells evaporates, causing the cells to collapse.

The subsequent alteration of the gum tissue created is extremely precise and produces very little bleeding, and because minimal trauma is caused, there is almost no swelling or scarring experienced.

The patient may feel almost no pain caused by pressure, damaged nerve endings or heat, and will experience a far quicker healing time. And multiple procedures can be done in the one sitting, due to minimal collateral harm of the surrounds of the affected area.

Laser dentistry has applications for everything from general to cosmetic dentistry

Laser-Aided Diagnosis

For a dentist to properly assess issues with a patient’s oral health, extreme accuracy is required. The decision for which procedure to implement relies on it, and can be crucial for the outcome of the patient’s wellbeing.

Traditional manual assessment with a mirror and probe is only 25% accurate, and relies on only a visual observation on what is on the surface.

At Finer Smiles Laser Dentistry, you can rest assured that your dentist will recommend the correct treatment, thanks to the use of the Diagnodent Laser Caries detection aid.

Trials have proven that laser diagnosis can be almost 100% accurate, as it measures not just the gum or tooth surface, but can also measure tooth decay depth and bacteria activity that causes it. A dental technician can also see into pits and fissures of the tooth, enabling confident treatment of caries lesions and tooth decay in its earlier stages.


Laser Dentistry, Comfortable Solution

To find out more about Dr Ivkovic’s laser dental options at his convenient Highpoint Shopping Centre location in Maribyrnong, contact the surgerytoday.