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Reveal a Natural Looking Smile with Tooth Coloured Fillings

Porcelian Veneers Melbourne

Natural-Look Fillings

Your smile can be the thing the helps you make a great first impression on people. But if your teeth aren’t healthy, or are not healthy-looking, it can be very difficult to smile with confidence, making social and professional situations awkward.

When approaching a dentist for cosmetic procedures, it’s important to know that they have the skills to properly integrate additions to your mouth that are comfortable, and if visible, fit in with the colourings of your complexion, hair and eyes. Of course, bright white teeth are very desirable, but the shade of white chosen needs to be natural, so it doesn’t look like surgery has been done.

Traditionally-applied fillings have helped to fill tooth cavities effectively for millions of people; some, for the rest of their lives. But the old way of doing it involved an unsightly amalgam material, usually black or silver in colour. All one needs to do is laugh, and these visually unpleasing fillings can be quite off-putting. Also, silver fillings can also impede the effectiveness of x-rays, so an accurate analysis of the health of a tooth is compromised.

At Finer Smiles Laser Dentistry, natural-looking tooth-coloured fillings are applied, so when you smile, your teeth appear healthy and clean. The dentist can match the filling colour with neighbouring teeth and create consistency throughout the mouth, as well as provide comfort through skilfully-applied resin that has no sharp edges or excess overhang. This resin can also be used to fill smaller areas, such as chips or wear along the edge of the tooth.


Get Natural Bright White Solution

If you have any enquiries about the techniques used to create tooth-coloured fillings at Finer Smiles Laser Dentistry, feel free to get in touch with the highly-trained staff at the Maribyrnong clinic, located in Highpoint Shopping Centre, today.