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Dental Crown in Melbourne

Dental Crown MelbourneLet Confidence Radiate

It can happen to anyone – through severe decay or an accidental bump, your teeth are susceptible to being damaged, even to the point of having very little of them left showing. Stopping short of potentially painful extraction and implanting, you can save the remaining gum-embedded root of your tooth with a dental crown in Melbourne.

When a tooth is damaged to the point of not being useful for chewing, or is a potential point of weakness for allowing further decay, but still relatively healthy inside the gum, there is no need for extraction. With even a very small amount of tooth visible above the gum line, a dental crown can be applied to restore the tooth back to its original form, or to create alignment with neighbouring teeth.

Dental Crown in Melbourne—How it is Done

The dentist will cement a small ‘post’ down into the root of a tooth, kind of like a reinforcement bar in construction. Then, a core is bonded to it, to create an even base on which the crown will be mounted. This core can be shaped to naturally match the shape of the crown, so you won’t feel the difference between the crown and the rest of your teeth – no joins or inconsistencies.

A Crown or an Implant?

A dentist will use either a crown or an implant with a crown, depending on the severity of what needs to be fixed.

An implant is used when the entire tooth, including the root, is replaced. A crown only restores a tooth that has its remaining root still in the gum.

An implant is also used to replace a tooth that has been completely extracted. The procedure is a bit more involved for an implant – a surgeon will place a titanium ‘screw’ into the bone, allow it to heal, and then place an abutment on it. Then, a crown is placed on top of that.

Dental Crown Applications

Commonly referred to as a ‘cap’, dental crowns are often used to:

  • Substantially improve the appearance of teeth for a more natural, healthy look
  • Restore badly broken or damaged teeth to function fully
  • Protect cracked and fractured teeth
  • Support teeth with large fillings when very little natural tooth is left
  • Strengthen and protect root canal-treated teeth


To enquire about what Dr Ivkovic can do for a comfortable application of a dental crown in Melbournecontact Finer Smiles Laser Dentistry today.


Restore Your Smile with a Crown

To enquire about what Dr Ivkovic can do for a comfortable application of a crown, contact Finer Smiles Laser Dentistry today.